Praxis in Autism

Praxis in autism leads to impaired motor planning Impaired sensory and motor integration has been dismissed by many as being the underlying problem in autism. In fact, impaired praxis (dyspraxia / childhood coordination disorder) is at the core of many symptoms.   It is our profound privilege to have worked with thousands of families. Not only…

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Motor Planning Impairment in Autism

Understanding motor planning impairment in autism treatment To best understand why it is so important treating motor planning, consider reading an overview of motor planning and mitochondrial function. Want to hear about a simple, elegant and effective way to improve language, social and cognitive skills for your child diagnosed with autism? Dr. Claudia Morris has…

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Research by Dr. Sidney Finegold compared the gut flora of children with regressive ASD to neurotypical (typically developing) children.  The results show that clostridia counts were higher in the children with autism. Not only were the counts higher in those with autism, but the number of clostridia species were also higher.  Children with ASD had…

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Vitamin A (VA)

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is often deficient in autism. Treatment with therapeutic doses of vitamin A helps to improve visual symptoms in autism and improve gut health. Vitamin A is essential for visual processing and when deficient results in many visual symptoms in autism. VA is also known as retinol, is…

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Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is largely responsible for mood, learning, language, and sensory integration among many things. It is also used in early development to differentiate neuronal networks in the brain. 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP, is a precursor to serotonin that is commonly taken orally for sleep and anxiety. Croonenberghs J, et…

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PANDAS / PANS / PITANDS PANDAS is an abbreviation for PEDIATRIC AUTOIMMUNE NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS PANS is a broader classification termed PEDIATRIC ACUTE-ONSET NEUROPSYCHIATRIC SYNDROME that includes all cases of abrupt onset of symptoms, not linked to streptococcal infection PITANDS are infectious triggers of PANS including viruses, lyme, chicken pox and mycoplasma…

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Biofilms are complex systems where bacteria, viruses, fungus and protozoa can find sanctuary and live exceptionally well. These biofilms can be found inside the human body. Examples of biofilm include: bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections, catheter infections, middle-ear infections, formation of dental plaque, gingivitis, coating contact lenses, and less common but more lethal processes such…

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Brain Chemicals

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that support and govern development.  Neurotransmitters need to be balanced and in the optimal amounts to create the environment required for age level language, social and cognitive skills. Serotonin Serotonin is a key brain chemical that is been identified in the physiological abnormalities in ASD. and is made from tryptophan with the…

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Sensory Issues in Autism

90% of children diagnosed with autism have sensory issues.  There are a number of medical causes of sensory issues in autism: Untreated digestive disorders Untreated sleep disorders Nutrient Deficiencies Impaired methylation leading to altered balance of brain chemicals One of the biggest reasons that biomedical treatment helps children and adults with autism is becausetreats the…

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Inositol is a sugar alcohol that is ubiquitous in the human body. It has two forms, myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, the former being most bioactive in humans. Inositol is very important because it is a structure of the phospholipid bilayer in cell membranes, and it is used in countless inter-cellular signalling pathways. Supplementation research shows efficacy…

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