Folate and folinic

People with autism may have changed folate or methionine metabolism, suggesting that the folate–methionine cycle may play an important role in the etiology of autism. The SNPs or single nucleotide polymorphisms such as SLC19A1, DHFR, RFC and MTHFR are involved in the folate metabolism pathway impairing methylation. Polymorphisms in folate-related pathway genes and disruptions in…

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Lyme and Autism

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria of the Borrelia type which is spread by ticks. After being bitten by a tick or infectious agent, approximately 25–50% of infected people do not develop a rash. Ticks can transmit other infections that are called tick-borne infections when grouped together. Tick-borne infections are increasing around the world.  Lyme…

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Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin and an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage in the body.  It is found only in plant foods including oils, nuts, seeds and grains. When combined with omega-3, vitamin E has been found to treat the speech disorder verbal apraxia.  Vitamin E stabilizes glutamate receptor and decreases excitotoxicity…

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Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress in Autism

The brain is not malformed.  The brain is irritated. So you need to reduce the irriation and the inflammatio in the brain.  I am talking about an anti-inflammation diet with foods from all colours of the rainbow. ~ Martha Herbert, MD, Pediatric Neurologist and Associate Professor of Neurology at Harvard University When we breathe, oxygen…

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Prevention of Autism

Those who have children on the autism spectrum often want to have more children. Rates of a second or third child having autism after one child is diagnosed is in between 7-18%. All children are precious but many children on the autism spectrum experience pain, isolation and frustration as they interact with the world. The…

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Research on autism, heavy metals and metallothioneins (MT)

Evidence supports the role of heavy metals in causing autism, PDD and ADHD.  This leads to alterations in metallothionein proteins. The research of Dr. William Walsh, Ph.D, and Dr. Anjum Usman, MD, have found alterations in the functioning of metallothionein protein (MT) in children with autism.  This impairment impacts brain development and causes extreme sensitivity to toxic metals and other environmental…

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In our practice, carnitine is one of the most important interventions for patients diagnosed with autism, speech delay, motor delays and chronic lyme disease.  Carnitine plays a vital role in energy production by shuttling fats into the mitochondria where 90% of the body’s energy is produced.   Carnitine is produced by the methylation cycle and transports…

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25(OH) Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is known historically to cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. It is a steroid hormone with a cholesterol backbone and is fat soluble. Most intake occurs from sun exposure via the skin. Therefore, when a cohort of people such as those on the autism spectrum have low cholesterol and blood…

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Toxicity and Autism

Toxicity has been implicated as a cause for autism. A ground breaking in 2009, done by researchers at the University of Texas, revealed startling evidence of the environment’s role in autism. The objective the study was to determine if proximity to sources of mercury pollution in 1998 were related to autism prevalence in 2002. The findings…

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Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is present in many foods.  It is a cofactor involved in over 100 different enzymatic reactions in the body such as protein and amino acid metabolism.  It plays a very important role in autism and cognitive development as a cofactor in the production of serotonin. Vitamin B6 is…

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